Advancing Human Connection for everyone: at work and at home.

Grace empowers your staff with science-backed mindset and skills learning journeys and specialist coaching that increase connection and drive workplace performance.

Trusted by top organisations

Our mission: To advance and empower human connection in the workplace and at home.

In the AI/AGI/ASI era, we believe more that ever in the importance of human workforce sustainability to drive performance and ensure competitiveness.

At the core of human sustainability is connection: Connection with ourselves, (inward focused) and connection with others. (outward focused)

We help organisations identify and build the mindsets, skills and habits that help their people become their most authentic, highest performing vesion of themselves. Our approach focuses on the whole-person and endeavours to build thriving workforces that achieve their mission.


Grace founder Stuart Kibbe drives the mission to advance human connection for everyone: in the workplace and at home. Learn more about Stuart at

Our Values

Grace - We lead from the understanding that we have all been given much without merit.

Beauty - The world is full of inherent beauty and we should seek to cultivate it in our lives.

Creativity - We are created with infinite creativity and we choose creative over common.

Excellence - We maintain that the man skilled in his work will stand before kings.

Curiosity - We are patient in making judgement. There is always another perspective worth considering.

Bring Grace to your company

Grace helps organizations build a happier, healthier, more resilient and more productive workforce that fuels business growth.

Become a Grace coach

Join a committed community of Coaches who partner with leaders in winning organizations using the latest evidence-based approaches.


Grace Holding AG

Bahnhofstrasse 9

CH-6640 Altdorf (UR)




Inter-Personal Communication

Emotional Intelligence






About Coaching

ROI of Coaching


Mental Health Coaching

Career Coaching

Life Coaching

Grief Coaching

Leadership Coaching

Communication Coaching

© 2024 Grace Holding AG